> That starts to solve the issue of the external ext directory > although it > does make it a little more work for the users to set up ant on their > machine. (Did you remember to go to your environment control > and add the > ANT_ARGS value?).
Can be done by %HOME%\antrc_pre.bat and %HOME%\antrc_post.bat. Fist file is executed before Ant and second after. So you could simply set the value there and clean in the second file. Developer engine: pre.bat: -------- net use X: \\server\ant-share call X:\pre.bat post.bat: --------- call X:\post.bat net use X: /D And you can maintain the batch files on a central location. > This does not handle the case (poor because I know that JUnit has not > changed for a while) where all my projects depend on JUnit. > I have a new > version which breaks all of the old code. This means that > each of 30 (or > what ever number you want) projects have to modify their test code to > support the new version of JUnit. Because of the > ant-junit.jar being on the > system level for Ant, I have to put the JUnit.jar file in a > system level > directory. This means that I have to now come up with a > method to know > which project has the code for the new version of JUnit and > have some sort > of special command to start Ant for that project to point to > the new version > of JUnit. In Antīs lib directories there are only libraries where _ANT_ relies on. Not your project. These libs should be in a lib-folder under the project root and under CVS control. Jan