> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 04 January 2005 23:26
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: Re: Ant should have an ext directory
> "Robert r. Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   > Yeah, but I don't think this is what the question was about.
> I understood that.
>   > It would be nice to have a place to put the (global) ant
>   > you are using to keep them separate from the main/default ant
>   > libraries to help with file management, etc... The best I can
>   > of: Create an ext directory in a central location, then use a
>   > process to merge it with a base ANT install; then copy the results
>   > out to everyone in your department.  Not as nice as if ANT
>   > this directly, but it might help.
> This is seemingly what Maven offers, was my point.  I guess one could
> say ant should offer it, but the impetus of the Maven project is ant.
> Maven (from what I've read and talked to others about) offers a way to
> have a server host all of a project's libraries, with different
> versions, and then an xml file describes what libraries they want.  No
> sticking the libs in source control for checkout, no shared folders of
> libraries without control over their sources.  No worrys of which
> versions you might have.  Instead, describe your needs in an xml file
> ant let Maven take care of putting them where they should be.

However - the maven support for ant is not so up-to-date.  From what I
understand Maven does not support the 1.6 series.


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