"Rhino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > I am getting some weird behaviour from Ant 1.6.2 in Eclipse 3.0.1.
    > A while ago, I created a couple of simple imported tasks to do some basic
    > work for me. My plan was to import these tasks into each Ant script that I
    > write. Initially, this worked but I've been away from Ant for a few months
    > and now I find that it doesn't work any more.
    > Basically, the problem is that Ant isn't seeing my imported scripts any
    > more. Whenever I edit my build.xml, I get this message: Cannot find
    > ${ant.home}\imports\datetime.xml imported from
    > E:\eclipse\3.0.1\eclipse\workspace\SDAC\xml\build.xml. (A comparable 
    > occurs for the other imported script, sounds.xml, so I've just commented 
    > out and assume it is having the same problem that 'datetime.xml' is 
    > Here is the build.xml:
    > <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    > <project name="SDAC" default="buildall"
    > basedir="E:\eclipse\3.0.1\eclipse\workspace">
    > <description>Create the SDAC jars.
    > </description>
    > <!--==================================================================
    > Import common code.
    > ==================================================================-->
    > <property name="import.path" value="${ant.home}\imports"/>
    > <!--import file="${import.path}\sounds.xml" description="Play appropriate
    > sounds depending on whether build worked or failed."/-->
    > <import file="${import.path}\datetime.xml" description="Display date and
    > time that build started."/>
    > <target name="go">
    > <echoproperties prefix="ant"/>
    > </target>
    > <!--==================================================================
    > Do the complete build.
    > ==================================================================-->
    > <target name="buildall" depends="go" description="Tasks that should always
    > be run upon completion of the build.">
    > <echo message="The SDAC jars have been generated."/>
    > </target>
    > </project>
    > The datetime.xml file contains the following:
    > <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    > <project name="Datetime" default="datetime" basedir=".">
    > <description>This fragment will be imported into every Ant build
    > script that needs to display the time and date that the build began.
    > </description>
    > <target name="datetime" description="Display date and time that build
    > began.">
    >  <tstamp prefix="start">
    >   <format property="TODAY" pattern="EEEE, MMM dd, yyyy"/>
    >   <format property="TIME" pattern="hh:mm a"/>
    >   </tstamp>
    >  <echo message="This Ant script began executing at ${start.TIME} on
    > ${start.TODAY}."/>
    > </target>
    > </project>
    > When I run my build.xml, it confirms that ant.home is
    > E\:\\eclipse\\3.0.1\\eclipse\\plugins\\org.apache.ant_1.6.2. I am 
    > certain that ant.home contains an 'imports' directory and that 'imports'
    > contains a file called 'datetime.xml'. However, the 'datetime.xml' file is
    > not visible to the Ant Editor and the task within 'datetime.xml' is not
    > executed when I run the build.
    > I also have a copy of Ant 1.6.1 installed outside of Eclipse and it also 
    > an 'imports' directory beneath it and a 'datetime.xml' within the 
    > directory; when I run a build.xml from the command line outside of 
    > it also fails to run the task within 'datetime.xml', presumably because 
    > doesn't see it.
    > What am I doing wrong??

I don't know.  It works for me on my box.  Try hardcoding the fully
qualified path/filename for your datetime.xml file.  Maybe something
with permissions is getting you?


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