Hello Helge,

I am not sure how you solve this problem. It might be caused by <javac/> (the compilation task) not
releasing file locks.
You can try to use <javac fork="true"/> which means you are going to compile out of process, so in
this case the compiler is not going to hold the lock for long.

Otherwise, I am not sure which API methods would be the best. Maybe project = null; and then System.gc(); would make your system
release all objects created by ant.

(I am sure that other folks on the list will have better ideas :-) ).





We are using the ant API for making automated builds via a custom made = web
build server,=20 and have encountered a tricky problem with file locking.

Our build process on a Windows 2003 server is as follows:

1) First checking out source via CVS.
2) Installing misc. jars etc into a release directory by simply using = the
copy ant target.
3) Using the ant class ant.apache.tools.ant.Project for exection of ant
targets on our source files.
4) Making some release tar/exe files for distribution.

All these tasks are defined in ant targets which is executed by the

However, upon running the next build, some of the installed jar files in =
2) has a file lock,
which forces us to restart the build server to release the lock. I do = use
the Project methods


to release resources on the project class.

Any suggestions?

Helge Fredriksen, System Developer
Dreyfushammarn 35
NO-8002 BOD=D8
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