Thanks Douglas, 

That was quite some help. Deciding on the technology takes half of the
time than to bring it to results. And every solution just gets stuck
somewhere without giving the error message :).

I changed the "cmd" to "call ant. bat ....." and it works fine. Also I
am using a Jsp on my tomcat to execute the bat file now which in turn
execute the ant script. It's a bit complicated now because I cant see
the tomcat results in my architecture simultaneously. There is a complex
dir structure we have here.

Did u implement automation on web? Next I would need to pass parameters
Jsp --> ant script. 

Will keep your suggestion in mind, it might reduce some complexity.

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Lochart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 1:04 PM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: ant UI


If the previous solution does not work for you then I believe its the 
fact that you are calling ant using "cmd /c" semantics, and most likely 
from a task scheduler of some sorts.  I had many issues using .cmd files

with Windows Task scheduler and decided to go in a different direction.

I ended up writing an AntRunner class in java that simply relied on a 
property file for everything.  I placed ant options, the name of the 
target I was calling, cvs login info, user properties I wish to pass to 
ant via -D, etc all in a property file prefixed with a specific type 
name (like and my AntRunner would read the property file

and invoked ant from java creating the desired command string from the 
property file.  This approach saved a lot of headaches for me. 

Also for generating names of builds, and CVS tags dynamically I used the

propertyfile task.  I do this instead of passing in dynamic stuff on the

command line.  It has to come from somewhere and since most of stuff is 
automatic I let the tasks do the work for me.

I also ditched AT (Task Scheduler) and installed Services For Unix and 
cygwin on the 2000 box and used cron.  That was a big improvement.

I know this may not answer your immediate question but may help your 
decision making in the future.

What James wrote earlier should work with no problem.  If it does not 
work for you I suggest taking his example and try it as is, calling ant 
the way he did.  Then try his example but change how you call ant to how

you are doing it now "cmd /c " etc.  I bet you may find your issue in 
the way its being called.

You can also run ant with -debug and capture the output to a file and 
see what ant is actually seeing as its user properties (these are what 
you pass in on the command line)

Hope this helps


James Abley wrote:

><project name="" default="test" basedir=".">
>  <target name="test">
>    <property name="DevBuild1" value="FirstProp"/>
>    <property name="DevBuild2" value="SecondProp" />
>    <echo message="Value of DevBuild1 is ${DevBuild1}"/>
>    <echo message="Value of DevBuild2 is ${DevBuild2}" />
>  </target>
>ant -DDevBuild1=firstOverride -DDevBuild2=secondOverride
>On Wed, 2004-12-22 at 15:22, Radha Sangal wrote:
>>Do u know how to pass multiple properties ? like dev.build2 ... space
>>/comma does not work 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jacob, Anil - MWT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 8:49 PM
>>To: Ant Users List
>>Subject: RE: ant UI
>><project name="" default="projecthelp" basedir=".">
>><target name="test">
>><property name="DevBuild1" value="$(dev.build1)"/>
>><echo message="Value of DevBuild1 is ${dev.build1}"/>
>>ant -f test.xml -Ddev.build1=Build_0402_0012 test
>>Buildfile: test.xml
>>     [echo] Value of DevBuild1 is Build_0402_0012
>>Total time: 3 seconds
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jacob, Anil - MWT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 5:25 PM
>>To: Ant Users List
>>Subject: RE: ant UI
>>Where exactly are you updating the properties? Are you echoing it or
>>writing it into a file?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Radha Sangal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:20 PM
>>To: Ant Users List
>>Subject: RE: ant UI
>>-D option is not working !!
>>I gave
>>"cmd /c ant -buildfile automated_CvsTagDiff.xml CVSDiffReport -D
>>dev.build1=Build_0402_0012  dev.build2=Build_0402_0018 " in bat file
>>"<property name="DevBuild1" value="$(dev.build1)"/>" in ant script.
>>But the result does not show values updated in properties. ;-(
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jacob, Anil - MWT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 6:17 PM
>>To: Ant Users List
>>Subject: RE: ant UI
>>Instead of hardcoding the value of the Build_0402_0012, you can
>>pass it as a commandline paramters Then
>>build file would look like this <property name="DevBuild1"
>>When ant runs it picks up the value given on the commandline.
>>For a UI. You can actually write a small perl script or cgi script to
>>execute ant over a browser, off course you need a web server also.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Radha Sangal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 11:48 AM
>>To: Ant Users List
>>Subject: RE: ant UI
>>Look at the bottom of the second link-ed page. I need to finally
>>such UI where we enter filename in a text box and get results.
>>Meanwhile, what I am looking for is a way to build UI to connect to
>>script for providing inputs to its properties. To make it clear:
>>I have <property name="DevBuild1" value="Build_0402_0009"/>
>>              <property name="DevBuild2" value="Build_0402_0012"/> in
>>my ant script  I have to manually go inside the script and change
>>properties for diff builds. I have to build a UI for it so that when I
>>enter build name there, it updates the property in ant script.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 1:17 AM
>>To: Ant Users List
>>Subject: Re: ant UI
>>At 04:30 PM 12/16/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>> >Does Ant come with any user interface from where we can pass
>>parameters  >and see results on web explorer?
>>Use an XSLT.  Add something the following to your build file....
>><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./ant2html.xsl"?>
>>After that, just create (or find it on the net) the stylesheet and
>>the build.xml file in IE or Mozilla.  You should see a moderately
>>view of your build file.
>>Note: it is only "text/xsl" because IE needs that value and it doesn't
>>break Mozilla, but there is no official mime-type named "text/xsl".
>>BTW, if it is graphical view of the dependencies that you are looking
>>for, try something like vizant.
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