Hello Peter and Igor,

Here is a code the makes a slightly different  task -
it checks whether a war file has been deployed
correctly using <waitfor> task [1] and <http> [2]

<property name="install.context" value="mywebapp"/>
<property name="install.port" value="8080"/>
<property name="install.httpurl"

<target name="deploy" depends="initdb"
description="Deploys arcade's war">
    <waitfor timeoutproperty="time.out.property">
        <http url="${install.httpurl}"/>
    <fail if="time.out.property" message="Deployment
failed. Check whether Tomcat Service is started and if
not start it."/>
    <echo message="Deployment finished. Arcade
application is ready to be accessed"/>

Besides <http> condition you can use also <socket>
that probes for a listening application on a given

HTH Ivan


--- "Igor A. Deruga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, Peter!
> As far as I remember, I used to stop Tomcat before
> building project and start 
> it after the build. If it isn't currently running,
> the stop task would fail, 
> but nothing bad would happen. So you just try to
> stop it and then - start it. 
> I don't think that it's a good idea to look at "ps
> -A" output ;)
> Sincerely
>       Igor
> On Monday 15 November 2004 21:38, Peter Neu wrote:
> > Thanks. This solved the problem.
> >
> > One last thing: How can I test if Tomcat is still
> runnig in order to invoke
> > first the shutdown.bat before I proceed ?
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