Hi all,

I would like to be able to export my certificate(that is create one) so that
others can use it to allow my jars access to system resources and to allow
users to verify that the jar is in fact mine.

on the command line,you would use the java commands for example:
(1) jar cvf Count.jar Count.class
(2)keytool -genkey -alias signFiles -keypass kpi135 -keystore
susanstore -storepass ab987c
(3)jarsigner -keystore susanstore -signedjar sCount.jar Count.jar signFiles
(4)keytool -export -keystore susanstore -alias signFiles -file

I can do the first 3 steps in an ant build.xml but I cannot do the creation
of a certificate

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name ="digsign" default ="signjars">
    <target name="compile">
                <javac srcdir="src" destdir="classes" />

        <target name="jar" depends ="compile">
        <jar destfile="./jars/count.jar" basedir="./classes"/>

        <target name="genkey" depends ="jar">
                <genkey alias="signFiles" keypass="kpi135" keystore="susanstore"
storepass="ab987c" >
                    <param name="CN" value="tssg"/>
                    <param name="OU" value="wit"/>
                    <param name="O"  value="research"/>
                    <param name="C"  value="ire"/>

        <target name="signjars" depends ="exportcert">
                <signjar jar="./jars/count.jar" keystore="./susanstore"
signedjar="./jars/sCount.jar" alias="signFiles"
keypass="kpi135" storepass="ab987c"/>

        <target name="exportcert" depends ="genkey">
                WHAT GOES HERE?????????????????????????

So how do I create a certificate that an other user can use to verify that
he/she will be running my jar file?
I cannot find a task to do this. has anyone got a solution for this?


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