The quickest one that I can think of is WebTest from Canoo at  The tests that you
build for this are done in an ant script so should be easy to integrate into
your build.  The next one would be to code your own java test using
something like HtmlUnit or HttpUnit which are based upon JUnit and would
allow you to then use the junit task.

Chris Erskine
EDS Consulting Services
2424 Garden of the Gods Rd
Colorado Springs, CO  80919
Phone: 719-535-6064

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Bartmess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 5:22 AM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: Trying to run CGI script on server after build
> I've got a product I'm working on that needs a "validation" script run
> after the build is complete. The Ant script right now FTP's the built
> modules to the server, but I have to manually use the browser to run the
> script.
> Is there any Task out there that can handle this, and return the
> resulting page contents to me, so I can check whether it's a valid build
> or not?
> Thanks for any help!
> --
> David A. Bartmess
> Software Configuration Manager / Sr. Software Developer
> eDingo Enterprises
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