--- Matt Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I created a self-contained buildfile to test this and
> have noticed a problem when I ran ant with debug
> logging.  You should be using a merge mapper for this
> example; the glob mapper isn't behaving as you expect
> when you specify from with ONLY "*", or to without any
> "*".  It was mapping "A" to "XA" for example, not to
> "X" as you wished.

Wait... so if a target file doesn't exist ("XA" for instance), it's considered up to 

> Not sure if this qualifies as a
> bug or not; the answer is probably "almost."  Again,
> switch those to merge mappers for this example and see
> where that gets you.

Here's what I've tried so far with no success.  Scenario II (without the from 

   <uptodate property="isUpToDate">
      <srcfiles dir="${src.dir}" file="A"/>
         <globmapper to="X"/>
         <globmapper to="Y"/>
         <globmapper to="Z"/>

and scenario III (switched to mergemappers):

   <uptodate property="isUpToDate">
      <srcfiles dir="${src.dir}" file="A"/>
         <mergemapper to="X"/>
         <mergemapper to="Y"/>
         <mergemapper to="Z"/>

I'm getting the same results each time.

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