Let me try the other version you just gave me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dominique Devienne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 2:44 PM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: Ant file command-line arguments WAS nested "fileset" error

> From: George Dibi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Where the  ${BUILDVIEW} ${IVC_VER} ${IVC_BLD} would past in from
> line.
>  <target name="ivcommon_isoft">
>         <echo>
>              Building ivcommon...
>            ${perl.bin.dir} ${ivc.perl.target} ${drive} ${BUILDVIEW}
>         </echo>
>         <exec executable="${ant.common.dir}/createProcess.exe">
>                <arg line="${basedir} ${perl.bin.dir}
> ${drive} ${BUILDVIEW} ${IVC_VER} ${IVC_BLD}"/>
>           </exec>
>   </target>

You can call your build with the properties on the command line:

ant -DBUILDVIEW=foo -DIVC_VER=bar -DIVC_BLD=baz ivcommon_isoft

If it's too cumbersome, you could also do:

ant ivcommon_isoft -- foo bar baz

if you had Ant code like below:

  <exec executable="${ant.common.dir}/createProcess.exe">
    <arg line="${basedir} ${perl.bin.dir} ${ivc.perl.target} ${drive}"
    <arg line="${$*}" />

*and* my patch below ;-) You can vote for the patch too ;-))) --DD


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