On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, Matt Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Even if it isn't the right verb, a simple <copy> on your source
>> fileset would already do if it knew how to append - as would
>> <concat> with a nested <redirector>.  I'd probably prefer the
>> <concat> approach since an appending copy sounds strange.
> OT: I was thinking about the <concat> thing and it occurred to me
> that it might be counterintuitive to the very meaning of the word
> "concatenate" to be able to send the contents of multiple files to
> different destinations.  Maybe a generic
> <redirect>
>   <fileset />
>   <redirector />
> </redirect>
> would make more sense?

<copy> already is that generic task, maybe it only needs a different
(or additional) name.  You can already use <copy> as a filtering pipe
or to change the encoding of files on the fly.

> if you one day dropped your proverbial hammer and it landed on a
> screw and twisted it in perfectly...  you've just discovered that
> this hammer performs a screwdriver's job admirably.

That could be because your hammer is that heavy.  Or because your
motoric skills are so bad (talking about myself here ;-) that using a
hammer will be faster than fumbling with a screw-driver.

Seriously.  I know that Ant's task make up a great toolchest that make
it a prefect fit outside of its original problem domain in many cases.
And it often is this usage of Ant that requires scripting, I have no
problem whit doing that at all.


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