David TROGDON wrote:
Thanks for the reply Connor

Then it is my understanding that since my  MANIFEST.MF file starts like

Manifest-Version: 1.2 Main-Class: na.biomerieux.stagville.bootstrap.BootStrap Class-Path: FastObjects_7JC_SDK.jar xreport_lite.jar xtools.jar JavaMediaFramework.jar JSEClassLibraries.jar jcchart.jar jctable.jar spring.jar spring-dao.jar commons-collections-2.0.jar commons-logging.jar BCICorba.jar vbjorb.jar lm.jar vbsec.jar

Is included in my jar file like this:

<jar jarfile="${build.filter.dir}/O2.jar" basedir=" ${build.filter.dir}" manifest="${build.resources.dir}/MANIFEST.MF"> <fileset dir="${build.filter.dir}/com/"/> <fileset dir="${build.filter.dir}/org/"/> <fileset dir="${build.filter.dir}/pv/"/> <fileset dir="${build.filter.dir}/na/"/> </jar>

and when you look into the jar file and view the MANIFEST.MF file it looks like this:

Manifest-Version: 1.2 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.5.3 Created-By: 1.4.1_01-b01 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Main-Class: na.biomerieux.stagville.bootstrap.BootStrap Class-Path: FastObjects_7JC_SDK.jar xreport_lite.jarxtools.jar JavaMed iaFramework.jar JSEClassLibraries.jarjcchart.jar jctable.jar spring.j ar spring-dao.jarcommons-collections-2.0.jar commons-logging.jarBCICo rba.jar vbjorb.jar lm.jar vbsec.jar

it is actually OK and should work?

Yes it is OK.

Try using the small class I added to the bug report to print out the Classpath and you will see that it is as expected.


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