On Sep 28, 2004, at 5:04 AM, Lennart Hellström (HF/EBC) wrote:
I want to copy a file to a destination file only if the destination file is not readonly (it might be checked in on the version control system)

I tried using <copy> with failOnError="false" but strangely the build fails anyway when the destination file is readonly.

Is there some way to look at the file's attributes before deciding to copy or not?
<Attrib> seems to only change the file attributes, and that's not what I want.

There may be other ways to do this, but as an example of writing a custom selector I do this:

  <typedef name="readonly"

  <copy todir="build/copy">
    <fileset dir="src">

Where ReadOnlySelector is this:

import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.FileSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;

import java.io.File;

public class ReadOnlySelector implements FileSelector {
  public boolean isSelected(File basedir,
                            String filename,
                            File file) throws BuildException {
    return !file.canWrite() && file.canRead();

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