> Hi,
> I have two questions:
> 1) I have a property called "com.myapp" within my
> build.xml file (or at
> least loaded in at runtime), and I want to strip off
> everything past the
> first dot (to get the base package name com)...
> Is that possible?

You can use ant-contrib[1] task PropertyRegex, an
example copied directly from[2] shows that it is
    <propertyregex property="pack.name"
              casesensitive="false" />
This will yield ABC.

Or you can using a scripting language (like
javascript) in ant to manipulate your string (but I am
not so good in it to provide sample).

> 2) Is there a rename packages ANT task?
There is a <move> task that can rename the packages
viewed as directories. Is this want you want>


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