You can use properties when forming Class-Path
attribute of your jar like this:
    <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${jar1}
where jar1 and jar2 properties holds the names of the
jar files you want to include. However, I am forced to
suppose that you have already constructed a classpath
that holds all your properties called
runtime-classpath. If it is <path> you can convert it
to a property using <pathconvert> and add it in to
Class-Path attribute.  

HTH Ivan

--- h2ooo x <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, it is working if the classpath is specified in
> the manifest file like 
> the following:
>   <manifest>
>     <attribute name="Main-Class" value="MyClass"/>
>     <attribute name="Class-Path"
> value="myproject.jar 
> ../lib/commons-httpclient-2.0.2.jar
> ../lib/commons-logging-api.jar 
> ../lib/commons-logging.jar"/>
>   </manifest>
> We have to remember to modify the Class-Path element
> everytime we modified 
> the "runtime-classpath" (is there a cleaner way?,
> e.g. 
> value="${runtime-classpath}").
> Thank you!

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