I have the following compile target that compiles some .java files in the
src/service tree, as well as some XDoclet generated files (Struts ActionForms)
in build/web/gen. The problem I'm experiencing is that the files from
build/web/gen are recompiled every time, even if they haven't been regenerated.
Any ideas how to solve this?
<target name="compile-service" depends="package-dao"
description="Compile service module">
<antcall target="compile-module" inheritAll="true">
<param name="module" value="service"/>
<!-- Needed for generated ActionForms -->
<param name="additional.src.dirs"
My guess is that second path here. src/web is probably what you should say, since it appears to be a package root. It is such a common issue it even exists as an FAQ :) <http://ant.apache.org/faq.html#always-recompiles>
p.s. While I'm quite proud of my <antcall> consolidation for compiling several various source trees which you have used here, if you are at Ant 1.6 you should switch this to <macrodef> style calls and you will likely see a speed increase of your builds.
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