On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 12:24 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> There must be someone who is dealing with the same issue. I am trying to
> take multiplatform builds with different ${os.name}.properties file. Linux
> is not a problem, Linux.properties. What about Windows? It becomes Windows
> XP.properties files.
> Can someone enlight me the better way to do this with one word .properties
> name?

I've used this approach in the past

  <target name="set-conditions">
    <condition property="linux">
      <os name="linux"/>

    <condition property="solaris">
      <os name="SunOS"/>

    <condition property="windows">
      <os family="windows"/>

You could probably use a single property name and different value attributes 
and load the properties that way. Depends if you want to use if attributes 
later on.


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