On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 5:11 PM, Ricardo Nunes
<ricardomiguel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to create a Debian Wheezy filesystem to use in User Mode Linux.
> right now I'm following this tutorial. The commands after # Remove the other
> terminal events don't work here and I can't find the equivalent operations
> in Wheezy.
> When I try to boot all of the system gets frozen and ends up with this (full
> log here):
> INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
>     [[36minfo[39;49m] Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel 2.
>     [   12.690000] Virtual console 5 assigned device '/dev/pts/12'
>     [   12.690000] Virtual console 6 assigned device '/dev/pts/19'
>     [   12.690000] Virtual console 4 assigned device '/dev/pts/20'
>     [   12.690000] Virtual console 3 assigned device '/dev/pts/26'
>     [   12.690000] Virtual console 2 assigned device '/dev/pts/27'
>     [   12.690000] Virtual console 1 assigned device '/dev/pts/28'
> I would use a already prepared filesystem, or even rootstrap, but both of
> them forces me to have internet inside the UML machine and, for security
> reasons in this environment, I cannot create bridges to my own network.
> Do you know how can I pass this until I get a login message?

Assign a getty to /dev/tty0.
Your debian spawned 6 gettys on serial devices, try "screen /dev/pts/28".


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