On 09/30/2012 08:24 PM, richard -rw- weinberger wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 8:17 PM, Toralf Förster <toralf.foers...@gmx.de> 
> wrote:
>> This is either related to mysql (phpmyadmin) or purely to apache.
>> the .config is attached, the console gives :
> Was this regression (is it a regression?) introduced in -rc7?
I can't reproduce it often enough to give an answer on it - some times
/me thinking that it might be a related to the host system state too -
but it is too unclear in moment.

Toralf Förster
pgp finger print: 7B1A 07F4 EC82 0F90 D4C2 8936 872A E508 7DB6 9DA3

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