I did not read everything carefully but I thought that with the skas0,
I would see only one uml linux process in the host for the whole uml
machine, and also that it would not take the /dev/shm memory anymore.

Sometimes, with some weak PC or a bad /dev/shm config, if you put too many
machines, the /dev/shm memory reaches its limit and new machines crash.

Do I have the skas0 with mainline kernel 3.1.1 and without any more
options at uml launch than before, I mean is it the default value?

> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 10:31 PM,  <clow...@clownix.net> wrote:
>> Is there still a chance that the skas0 patch will end up in the
>> mainline?
> It is already in mainline.
> --
> Thanks,
> //richard

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