On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 8:43 PM, Naman Muley <naman.g.mu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, I check out that thread. It containted a link to a HOWTO webpage. I
> followed it (http://hanez.org/howto-user-mode-linux.html). Here's what I
> got. After spending more than 7 hours at this, I think there seems to be a
> problem with my disk. Can you please help me find it:

Then test it without your disk.
./linux rootfstype=hostfs init=/bin/sh

> Here's what happened:
> naman-mint@naman-mint-laptop ~/uml/linux- $ ./vmlinux

2.6.23 is _very_ old. Please use a recent kernel.


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