
I am trying to measure how many UML objects can run on a PC.
I guessed that the number depends on tmpfs mounted on /dev/shm.
# My hosts provide two tmpfs, mounted on /dev/shm and /lib/init/rw.

My experience was the follows.
1. Run many UML at once on my PC.
2. Some UML crushed, and the UML dumped a message "the host /dev/shm or /tmp
mount likely just ran out of space".
3. So, I observed tmpfs (on /dev/shm) and /tmp while booting UML at other
time by linux command "df".
4. At that time, after the tmpfs was full (the /tmp was enough space), UML
was crushed.

The follow is my exercise environment.
Host os: Ubuntu 8.10
Host memory: 3304620 (measured by free command)
Tmpfs mounted on /lib/init/rw: 1652308
tmpfs mounted on /dev/shm: 1652308
UML kernel version:

Is my guess right?

I hope everyone allows my poor English.

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