On 01.09.2010 13:52, Paweł Rusak wrote:

    Breakpoint 1, sys_init_module (umod=0x804b018, len=50866,
        uargs=0x804b008 "\377P\211\303\350ג\001") at kernel/module.c:2591
    2591        if (!capable(CAP_SYS_MODULE) || modules_disabled)
    (gdb) c

    Breakpoint 2, sys_init_module (umod=0x804b018, len=50866,
        uargs=0x804b008 "\377P\211\303\350ג\001") at kernel/module.c:2613
    2613        if (mod->init != NULL)
    (gdb) p modules
    $1 = {next = 0x1256d7f0, prev = 0x125478dc}
    (gdb) p 0x1256d7ec
    $2 = 307681260
    (gdb) p *((struct module *)0x1256d7ec)
    $3 = {state = MODULE_STATE_COMING, list = {next = 0x125478dc,
        prev = 0x8236ab0}, name = "mapper_test", '\000' <repeats 48
      mkobj = {kobj = {name = 0x10ac26e0 "mapper_test", entry = {
            next = 0x118499a0, prev = 0x12547924}, parent = 0x118499b8,
          kset = 0x118499a0, ktype = 0x82363c8, sd = 0x11a22198, kref = {
            refcount = {counter = 3}}, state_initialized = 1,
    state_in_sysfs = 1,
          state_add_uevent_sent = 1, state_remove_uevent_sent = 0,
          uevent_suppress = 0}, mod = 0x1256d7ec, drivers_dir = 0x0,
    mp = 0x0},
      modinfo_attrs = 0x11a062e0, version = 0x0, srcversion = 0x0,
      holders_dir = 0x119abd60, syms = 0x0, crcs = 0x0, num_syms = 0,
    kp = 0x0,
      num_kp = 0, num_gpl_syms = 0, gpl_syms = 0x0, gpl_crcs = 0x0,
      unused_syms = 0x0, unused_crcs = 0x0, num_unused_syms = 0,
      num_unused_gpl_syms = 0, unused_gpl_syms = 0x0, unused_gpl_crcs
    = 0x0,
      gpl_future_syms = 0x0, gpl_future_crcs = 0x0,
    num_gpl_future_syms = 0,
      num_exentries = 0, extable = 0x0, init = 0x1256d00a,
      module_init = 0x12570000, module_core = 0x1256d000, init_size =
      core_size = 3353, init_text_size = 421, core_text_size = 1039,
      arch = {<No data fields>}, taints = 0, num_bugs = 0, bug_list = {
        next = 0x125479d0, prev = 0x823a118}, bug_table = 0x0,
      symtab = 0x125701a8, core_symtab = 0x1256da74, num_symtab = 70,
      core_num_syms = 19, strtab = 0x12570608 "", core_strtab =
    0x1256dba4 "",
      sect_attrs = 0x10ac4200, notes_attrs = 0x119abd20, percpu = 0x0,
      args = 0x10ac2880 "", modules_which_use_me = {next = 0x1256d918,
        prev = 0x1256d918}, waiter = 0x11874060, exit = 0x1256d000,
    ref = {a = {
          counter = 1}}}
    (gdb) add-symbol-file /home/dzwiedz/projekty/BIS/mapper_test.ko
    add symbol table from file
    "/home/dzwiedz/projekty/BIS/mapper_test.ko" at
        .text_addr = 0x1256d000
    (y or n) y
    Reading symbols from /home/dzwiedz/projekty/BIS/mapper_test.ko...done.
    (gdb) p nf_mapper_init
    $7 = {int (void)} 0x274 <nf_mapper_init>
    (gdb) p nf_mapper_cleanup
    $8 = {void (void)} 0xa9 <nf_mapper_cleanup>
    (gdb) b nf_mapper_init
    Breakpoint 3 at 0x274: file
    /home/dzwiedz/projekty/BIS/nf_bis_mapper.c, line 48.
    (gdb) b nf_mapper_cleanup
    Breakpoint 4 at 0xa9: file
    /home/dzwiedz/projekty/BIS/nf_bis_mapper.c, line 75.
    (gdb) s
    Cannot insert breakpoint 4.
    Error accessing memory address 0xa9: Input/output error.
    Cannot insert breakpoint 3.
    Error accessing memory address 0x274: Input/output error.

    hard_handler (sig=29) at arch/um/os-Linux/sys-i386/signal.c:11
    11    {

Problem was solved. I had to disable code optimalization in my UML kernel config. Also I it was needed to delete __init and __exit tag from module init and cleanup function.

Pawel R.

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