You can also have UML openwrt8.09.2, ubuntu karmic, debian sid and
fedora 12 at:


Openwrt is shipped with an associated software (cloonix_net)
ubuntu, karmic, debian and fedora go with the linux_uml_binary to be
found at the same place.

I suppose that the linux binary associated to the file-systems work
without the cloonix-net, but I always use them in association with
the rest of the software which makes it easier to manage machines.

Le mardi 06 avril 2010 à 16:35 -0500, Haszlakiewicz, Eric a écrit :
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Flavio [mailto:fbcyb...@gmail.com]
> >
> >On 6 April 2010 22:41, Haszlakiewicz, Eric <ehas...@transunion.com>
> wrote:
> >     Where do I download a filesystem from?  I tried starting from
> the
> >     "Getting started" section on
> >     http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/index.html, but the links
> for
> >the
> >     filesystems don't work.  Specifically, I'm trying to get the
> 64-bit
> >one.
> >
> >you can try to start from here:
> >http://uml.nagafix.co.uk/
> So, those are all UML filesystems?  Or does UML just use regular
> filesystems with regular binaries?
> I was hoping there was a FAQ about this stuff somewhere, but I don't see
> one from the UML home page, and the UML Wiki isn't working. :(
> Anyway, I'll try out one of the filesystems on that page.  Thanks!
> eric
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