
I had same issue before. using gdb 6.3 under x86_64 it was working okay.
Then I jumped to gdb 6.5 under i686 and it worked fine only if I ran as user
root. Now with gdb 6.8 I can not do that. It looks the gdb people has closed
the door to debug setuid programs. So the suggestion is to allow the UML to
boot normally and let it pass the networking and then re-attach via gdb.

David Rodriguez

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 8:28 AM, Antoine Nguyen <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using a recent kernel (, compiled by myself) for debugging
> purposes. When I launch the guest inside gdb, all is going well until
> network configuration. At the moment uml_net is called, I see a
> "Permission denied" error inside GDB, which does not appear when I
> launch the guest normally.
> Error inside GDB:
> [New LWP 11721]
> Executing new program: /proc/11721/exe
> /proc/11721/exe: Permission denied.
> Error inside the guest:
> helper_wait : waitpid process 11721 failed, errno = 10
> tuntap_open_tramp : didn't receive a message
> setreuid to root failed : : Operation not permitted
> tuntap_open_tramp failed - err = 22
> I'm running ubuntu 8.04 server on the host. There is a uml_net group
> defined and my user is registered inside. uml_net permissions are as
> follow :
> -rwsr-x--- 1 root uml-net 24792 2007-12-04 16:50 /usr/lib/uml/uml_net
> Does someone has any idea about what is happening?
> Thanks.
> --
> Antoine Nguyen
> Ingénieur R&D
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