2009/3/17 shah khadafi <shahca...@gmail.com>
> hi Mr.Flavio
Hi Mr. shah khadafi,
Always remember to reply to the list please.

> i was tried  about  your suggest like this
> r...@~#export DISPLAY
> r...@~#x ac:1
> X: cannot stat /etc/X11 (no such file or directory), aborting.
It's likely you are trying to start it from inside the UML guest
system. Isn't it?
But let's go read below...

> and
> r...@~#xnest -ac:1
> Unrecognized option: -ac:1
> use: X [:<display>] [option]
> ...
> ...
> Fatal server error:
> Unrecognized option: -ac:1
> whereas I was installing x-apps and x-common on my UML (kernel 2.6.24 & 
> Ubuntu Festy Fawn)..
> are there option that i have missing ?
Let's go back to the beginning and start again doing all things step by step.
Now, start UML and once you're inside it type the following:
(UML# means you are in the uml guest machine shell; HOST#, means
you're in the host (physical) machine)
1) UML# export DISPLAY
That's not correct, you have to write UML# export DISPLAY=""
2) HOST# Xnest -ac :1        <---- that's a unique command line. "-ac"
is an option! Xnest is the executable. And :1 is another one. Check
the command line spelling.
So, check there's a space between "-ac" and ":1".
(You may use X instead of Xnest - X will open a new graphical session
you may access throug CTRL+ALT+F2, but it should automatically appear)
Both X and Xnest belongs to the xorg-server package which is installed
on your HOST system for sure. You don't need the xorg-sever inside
These are the full path:
3) UML# startkde
I guess you have kde or another windows manager installed on your UML
guest system (it doesn't require the xorg-server to be installed in
your UML guest system, since you are using the host xorg-server).
4) enjoy!

> thanks.

You're welcome.
Feel free to ask more questions.


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