On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 07:02:49PM +0200, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> I tried and i got this error when starting the UML:
> arch_switch_tls failed, errno = EINVAL
> PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA failed, err = -22, index = 0
> PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA failed, err = -22, index = 0
> arch_switch_tls failed, errno = EINVAL
> PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA failed, err = -22, index = 0
> arch_switch_tls failed, errno = EINVAL
> and it keeps printing that.
> I used kernel with the latest skas patch and left all the 
> options the same. Host is kernel with the previous skas patch.
> I made my guest kernel with these commands:
> make menuconfig ARCH=um
> make-kpkg --arch=um clean
> make-kpkg --arch=um --append-to-version=.22may2008 kernel_image 
> modules_image

This is a stock you've using dpkg to build?  If not, could
you build a kernel.org kernel?

If you see this with a stock kernel, any chance you can bisect it?  I
don't see any suspicious tls-related things between 2.6.24 and
2.6.25.  There are ~100 changes in arch/um between 2.6.24 and 2.6.25,
so if you restrict the bisection to arch/um, it should take 6-7
compiles to find the commit which broke it.


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