I've been trying to get humfs to work, but I can't find it in 2.6.25. How 
do you actually enable it in the kernel compile? I enabled hostfs, but 
that doesn't seem to help:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# mount none -t humfs -o /USERMODE /mnt
   mount: unknown filesystem type 'humfs'
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# mount none -t hostfs -o /USERMODE /mnt
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls /mnt
   data  dir_metadata  file_metadata  superblock

In the kernel source tree:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/um/linux-2.6.25# grep -i hum .config
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/um/linux-2.6.25#

(nothing containing "hum" or "HUM" enabled or disabled in .config)

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/um/linux-2.6.25/arch/um# grep -i -r hum *
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/um/linux-2.6.25/arch/um#

(nothing in the source tree under um seem to contain "hum")

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/um/linux-2.6.25# grep -i -r humfs *
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/um/linux-2.6.25# grep -i -r hum_fs *
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/um/linux-2.6.25#

(actually nothing in the whole source tree seem to contain humfs)

Is humfs a patch you need to download or something?

   // Joel

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