Remove non-user write permissions from the root_fs file: chmod og-w root_fs
And run the uml instance from a different user account than the owner of the root_fs file. In fact, if you are always using the same root filesystem, I would be tempted to place it here: /usr/share/uml/root_fs and make it a root owned file with rw-r--r-- permissions. Then as long as you run your uml instance as a normal, non-root user, you will be blocked from modifying it accidently. Chris Marshall --- On Thu, 3/6/08, Robert P. J. Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > From: Robert P. J. Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: [uml-user] how to ensure a root filesystem is always "read-only"? > To: "UML user mailing list" <> > Date: Thursday, March 6, 2008, 6:37 AM > currently, i'm reading the chapter on sharing > filesystems here: > > > > and i have a few (again, fairly basic) questions about > running UML > using COW to protect the root filesystem from modification. > > first, is there any way to truly protect the root > filesystem from > modification if i accidentally fire up a UML session > against that root > filesystem and forget to use COW? as i read it, nothing > stops me from > doing that and, if i absent-mindedly make changes to the > root > filesystem at that time, i invalidate all my other > COW-based UML > sessions based on that root FS, correct? so is there any > way to stop > me from making that kind of mistake? > > actually, that's my only question for now, more > later. > > rday > -- > > ======================================================================== > Robert P. J. Day > Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry: > Have classroom, will lecture. > > Waterloo, > Ontario, CANADA > ======================================================================== > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This email is sponsored by: Microsoft > Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. > > _______________________________________________ > User-mode-linux-user mailing list > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: Microsoft Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. _______________________________________________ User-mode-linux-user mailing list