Hello Neha,

On 14/01/2008, Neha Dubey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a newbie to linux and UML. I am using Ubuntu OS. I got
> linux-source-2.6.20 and Debian-3.0r0.ext2. I am not able to compile C
> programs inside UML. I tried to install gcc packages which I got from
> Ubuntu packages website.
You didn't specify if you downloaded uml kernel executable file, but I
guess it is.
Compiling C source files is the same thing everywhere you want, either
in the host and the guest. You only need the right libraries, packages
and tools (see below).

> When I tried to install libc6.deb using dpkg it gives me an error
> saying that libc6 conflicts with e2fsprogs.
I don't know what the right solution is, but you could temporarily try
to remove that package, doing something like:

apt-get remove e2fsprogs.
You can reinstall e2fsprogs later.
You may also try an upgrade to solve this strange conflict problem:

apt-get dist-upgrade

(You can also use the package manager to do install/uninstall operations though)

> I thought I can get the gcc package from gcc gnu website but I am not
> sure which package I should download. Please help me.
To compile C programs you generally need some indispensable packages.
This command line may help you to install all you need to compile
whatever you want.

apt-get install make gcc kernel-package libncurses5-dev module-init-tools



> Thank You!
> Regards,
> NM
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