Jeff Dike schreef:
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 03:24:59PM +0200, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
>> I first thought of using hostfs and leaving /home on the host machine.
>> This for instance resulted in saving emails from a user with root rights.
>> Anyway, to solve this, i thought of making file to share between the 
>> umls and putting all data from /home in there.
> hostfs should work in this case.  If you have a UML running as user,
> importing the host's /home/user, the permissions should be OK.
> The one odd thing, which shouldn't hurt, is that if the user inside
> UML is root, and saves files, they will be owned by user, not root.
>> I found out about ocfs2 and it seems this would allow just that.
>> I've set up etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf/, with the host and 2 guests as node.
>> The host too because i want /home to be in the file (home_fs) and not
>> anywhere else.
> ocfs2 should work, but setting up a cluster is overkill for what you
> want.

I tried starting the uml as my user.
This is part of my uml startup script:

# Creating tap device
$UMLUSER is set to "benedict"

d_create_device() {
     # create tun device if it doesn't exist yet + give appropriate rights
     if [ ! -d /dev/net ]
         # create the directory
         mkdir -p /dev/net
         echo " /dev/net created"
     #    echo " /dev/tun exists"

     if [ ! -e /dev/net/tun ]
         # create the node
         mknod -m 660 /dev/net/tun c 10 200
         chown root:uml /dev/net/tun
         chmod 660 /dev/net/tun

         echo "/dev/net/tun created"

         # insert rules voor udev
         if [ ! -f /etc/udev/rules.d/011-udev.rules ]
             echo "udevrules created"
             touch /etc/udev/rules.d/011-udev.rules
             cat 'KERNEL="tun", NAME="net/%k", GROUP="uml", MODE="0660"' >> 
         #    echo " udevrules exists"
         #echo " /dev/net/tun exists"
         chown root:uml /dev/net/tun

     # create tap device if we aren't doing bridging
     if [ $BRIDGING -eq 0 ]
         echo "Creating $TAP"
         tunctl -u $UMLUSER -t $TAP
         ifconfig $TAP $IP_TAP up
         route add -host $IP_VM dev $TAP
         bash -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/'$TAP'/proxy_arp'
         arp -Ds $IP_VM $INT pub

The tun device is owned by root though. Does this also have to be my user?

The UML startup line:
screen -S loki -d -m /storage1/vm/vmlinux_2.6.22.2 mem=64M devfs=nomount rw 
ubd0=/storage1/vm/root_fs_loki ubd1=/storage1/vm/swap_fs_loki eth0=tuntap,tap1 
umid=loki con=null con0=fd:0,fd:1

When getmail then gets mail (what's in a name :)), the mail is saved in my
Maildir but still as root:root.

My UML's fstab
none        /home          hostfs      defaults,/home           0    0

What am i doing wrong?



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