> this is how i do it and it works:

are you sure?

> ---- snip ---
> TMPDIR=/tmp/uml_$UMLNAME #location where to store the ram of the uml
> mkdir $TMPDIR
> mount -t tmpfs -o mode=1777,size=$MEM none $TMPDIR
> chmod og-rwx $TMPDIR -R
> ubd0=$ROOTFS ubd1=$PORTAGE ubd2=$SWAPFS umid=$UMLNAME mem=$MEM"

  export TMPDIR=/tmp/uml
and also
  TMPDIR=/tmp/uml $KERNELBIN ...

doesn't work :-(

I check it with "lsof -p <pid>|grep tmp"
And i get that output:

vmlinux-2 25031  uml  DEL    REG        3,1                27051
vmlinux-2 25031  uml  DEL    REG        3,1                27155
vmlinux-2 25031  uml    3u   REG        3,1 268435457      27051
/tmp/vm_file-Lbs79f (deleted)
vmlinux-2 25031  uml    4u   REG        3,1      4097      27155
/tmp/vm_file-IZOBEF (deleted)

Or in other words: the files are still in /tmp/ instead of /tmp/uml :-(

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