On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 18:42:31 +0100
Blaisorblade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Opening a file on hostfs consumes a fd (not permanently - just as
> long as the file is open in the guest), so the kernel crashes as soon
> as it opens a file (in SKAS3 mode, once per fork()/exec() at least).

You are right, my Apache-UserMode-Linux logs ara saved in a hostfs
directory. I found it useful to generate my stats from the host
although I don't know if there is a big slow down performance.

host-euler $ cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
2025    0       101418

uml-basilea $ cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
300     0       29934

> In that case, increasing the ulimit on the host (play with ulimit and
> the PAM configuration file /etc/limits.conf, or wherever it is)
> should solve the problem.

Yes, it was solved (at least until now) editing limits.conf. It seems
that "ulimit -n" is ignored since the value in my host system is "1024"
and I see in file-nr that there are 2025 files opened!

I added this to my /etc/security/limits.conf file (from
sys-libs/pam package of Gentoo Linux):

@uml     hard    nofile  2048
@uml     soft    nofile  1024

and all seems to work fine!

Thanks, :-).

Jesús García Crespo (aka Sevein)

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