> You don't need extra memory to use tmpfs.
> Yes, it speeds up. I have load 4-5-10 (P4, 2.8, 2G RAM, scsi raid5,
> kernel 2.4, skas patch) without it. With tmpfs I've load 0.6-1-2. (in
> daytime).
I created a new dir /var/local/afprod2/tmp, mounted tmpfs with
$ mount -t tmpfs -o mode=1777,size=222M none /var/local/afprod2/tmp
and startet the guest with
HOME=/var/local/afprod2 TMPDIR=/var/local/afprod2/tmp linux ...
But I don't measure any performance increase.
Do I miss something? Do I need a special kernel?

> I have this problems too. The uml's waiting to IO (i think) some times,
> there is 80%idle, and load 4. And the uml-s eating the memory. I think
> it is because the double caching. Check this:

How can double caching cause blocking IO? Isn't it just a little waste of 


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