Hello list,

Just a thing that I was wondering about lately, but I cannot estimate how much 
hard work it would involve, so maybe one of you can shed an estimating eye?

I want 'my users' to be able to acces an UML image over the 'net. I could 
easily do that by attaching a console to a high port and direct them to that 
port. But if they do not use that image, it will still be running, taking up 
valuable resources. 
How much glue would i need to start that UML image on demand, and shut it down 
half an hour later? I don't mind a little wait, if the output indicates there 
is something going on. Is this feasible to create in an afternoon, a week, or 
only after carefull consideration of reports of the wheather in hell ;-)?  
(I would characterise myself as moderately skilled in bash)

with kind regards,

Jelle Booomstra

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