Bob Sneidar wrote:

> The Community version license I think specifies that you cannot create
> software for resale, you have to purchase a commercial license, so you
> can't produce commercial software with Community without violating the
> license.
> I will be corrected if this is not the case.

Your friendly neighborhood FOSS curmudgeon at your service. :)

The GPL expresses no opinion about charging a price for software.  The
"free" in "Free Software" is about freedom: you are free to use the
software however you like, modify it however you like, and share the
modifications with anyone you like.

As a practical matter, though, Free Software is also usually given away
without cost. This is not a licensing requirement, but merely a
reflection of the economic reality at play: if your user has the right
to share the software with anyone at any price or no price at all, they
usually will, so you'd sell exactly one copy.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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