Brahmanathaswami wrote:
> re Geometry: You keep telling us this again and again, but you never
> provide an example.
Given how many years most of the members of this list have been
scripting, it hadn't occurred to me that would be useful. Here's a
simple example that illustrates the basics, then extended for reuse:
Consider a Note app. At the top is a navbar that spans the width of the
device at 60 px tall; below is a field for the user to type in; centered
below that is a "Save" button.
This is in the card script:
on resizeStack x,y
set the rect of grp "Navbar" to 0,0,x,60
set the rect of fld "Main" to 0,the bottom of grp "Nav",x,y-100
set the loc of btn "Save" to (item 1 of the loc of this cd, y-40)
end resizeStack
On mobile OSes the resizeStack message is sent when the stack is first
opened, and again when changed by the user changing the device orientation.
Suppose the Navbar group has three objects within it: a button at left
and another at right, with a label field filling the space in the middle.
You could add a couple lines for those in the card's resizeStack handler
shown above, but you might reuse the group elsewhere so it would be
useful to keep the code within the group.
Just put this in the Navbar group script:
on resizeControl
set the right of btn "RightSide" to the right of me - 10
set the rect of fld "Label" to the right of btn "LeftSide", \
0, the left of btn "RightSide", 60
end resizeControl
The resizeControl message is sent to a group whenever the group is
resized by any means, whether interactively with the pointer tool or via
any script that changes the group's rect.
If you have a lot of controls of the same type you probably already use
behavior scripts for those, so you can put the resizeControl handler in
the behavior script so every object of that type uses it.
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
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