The behaviour should be that if you put plaintext then only plaintext should be 
on the clipboard...

If you put styled text then plain and rtf should be on the clipboard... HTML 
maybe - but if that's the format causing the problem (and not rtf - which I 
think is the main Cocoa style interchange format) then that needs some thought.

A line in a field is a paragraph - you can put vertical tabs in a line to give 
you hard line breaks (i.e. BR in html). If other apps are interpreting this 
differently then that causes a 'roundtrip' issue for LiveCode.

Anyway, this is a result of the reworking of the clipboard we did early on in 8 
(maybe late 7) - if you have the time to poke around and propose a patch on 
more than happy to help - it's been on my list to dig into for ages, but hasn't 
reached the top yet!

Warmest Regards,


Sent from my iPhone

> On 13 Jan 2018, at 15:16, Brian Milby via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> The text on the clipboard is fine. The problem is that too much is put on
> the clipboard. Plain text converted to HTML is likely the real problem.
> That is why a trip through a plain text editor fixes the issue. It takes
> the plain text from the clipboard and only puts plain text on the
> clipboard. There are 2 bug reports on this issue. I’m planning on
> submitting a PR but was waiting for any reasoning behind the current method
> that I may have overlooked.
> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 9:11 AM Richard Burkett via use-livecode <
>> wrote:
>> Actually, the reason why we’re having this conversation is that I needed
>> to load the clipboard with in what SHOULD be plain text format data via
>> script, data that included plain returns, and it appeared as double spaced
>> when pasted into Mac Mail. There was another user-driven in terms of
>> selecting text. This should probably be a bug in LiveCode (the same thing
>> happens when I copy a script from the editor in LiveCode).
>> In any case, I found a script solution which I sent to the list
>> (use-livecode Digest, Vol 172, Issue 24, item 5) and it works fine now.
>> Perhaps LiveCode should have a clipBoard key “plainTextREALLY” that uses
>> that script.
>> Thanks again for your help with this, Paul Hibbert.
>> Richard
>> Richard Burkett
>>> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 Brian Milby wrote:
>>> That is precisely why we are having this conversation.  An assumption was
>>> made that creating an HTML version of plain text was needed for the
>>> clipboard.
>>> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 4:51 PM Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <
>>> <>>
>> wrote:
>>>> Non- starter. Can't make assumptions about the end user's intent. What
>> if
>>>> what he was copying was SUPPOSED to have double line breaks or carriage
>>>> returns? The complaint would be that LC was taking liberties with user's
>>>> data!
>>>> Bob S
>>>>> On Jan 12, 2018, at 09:42 , Brian Milby via use-livecode <
>>>> <>>
>> wrote:
>>>>> If it was changed to use <br> for single line breaks and only assuming
>> a
>>>>> paragraph when there are 2
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