Very nice, thanks. It took me a bit to figure out the icomoon web app, but now I've got the whole feather set and your script works well.

On 1/4/18 8:26 PM, Brian Milby via use-livecode wrote:
Here's a bit of code to handle the feather set when converted by
(which could have multiple path statements):

on dragEnter
   local tFile, tSVG, tIndex, tLine
   set the dragAction to "copy"
   put line 1 of the dragdata["files"] into me
   put url ("file:" & me) into tFile
   set linedel to "<path d="
   set itemdel to quote
   put 0 into tIndex
   repeat for each line tLine in tFile
     add 1 to tIndex
     if tIndex is 1 then next repeat
     put item 2 of tLine after tSVG
   end repeat
   set the iconPath of widget 1 to tSVG
end dragEnter

The feather set worked fine after adding the loop.  (Some, like the
calendar, were already a single path though).  As long as they are just a
sequence of path elements, I'm guessing this should work.

If you want to see the actual SVG, just add another field and "put tFile
into field 2"

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 8:19 PM, hh via use-livecode <> wrote:

These SVGs are fine.

1. download the zip from github
(29.7 MByte, unpacks to 61.4 MByte)

2. open one of the folders in dist/svg, e.g. dist/svg/flat
3. make a stack with one field and one svg widget:

Script the field as follows

on dragenter
   set the dragaction to "copy"
   put line 1 of the dragdata["files"] into me
   put url("file:"& me) into s
   set linedel to "<path d="
   set itemdel to quote
   put item 2 of line 2 of s into p
   set the iconPath of widget 1 to p
end dragenter

4. drag one of the file icons from the finder to the field.

Works here, for all tested icons, using LC 8 and LC 9.

@JLG: Wrote by a German, also for Americans.
@BM: Thanks for the link to that wonderful repository.

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Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |

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