As always, Mark - thank you for that excellent detailed response. It gave me 
much to consider.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 5, 2017, at 12:55 PM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> Andre Garzia wrote:
> > Some other languages support full threads and some even allow you to
> > fork().
> Can you describe what you mean by fork() here?  In a discussion a while back 
> I made reference to an earlier post you'd made about fork(), but the response 
> from the engine team left me with the impression that it's merely the way 
> processes launch other processes.  Of course we can launch processes right 
> now in LC, so clearly there's something here I'm missing (forgive the naivete 
> of the question; I'm only halfway into Robert Love's Linux System 
> Programming).
> > I believe it was Richard who did this, can't recall, it was definitely
> > not me. Keep a pool of engines running, lets say 20, use a node
> > balancer to round robin them.
> I'm sure there are others, but I can recall three people who've experimented 
> with this sort of multiprocessing: Pierre Zahores, Mark Talluto, and myself.
> My own explorations were very superficial.  I spent more time looking into 
> how much could be gained by maxing async behavior with callbacks within a 
> single LC process (because of course there's no point spawning multiple 
> instances of an inefficient process <g>).  I used the Raney mchttpd stack as 
> a starting point, updated to send proper modern headers so it can be used 
> with browsers made after 1999 <g>, and revised to use callbacks for all 
> reads/writes.
> The TL/DR (I was testing delivery of static files rather than DB access, so 
> the comparison was with Apache2):
>   The bad news is that even a slender HTTPd in LC was only slightly
>   more than half as fast as Apache2.
>   The good news was that a slender HTTPd thrown together in a couple
>   hours in LC scripts was more than half as fast as the highly-
>   optimized C written by a team of specialists in Apache2! :)
> <>
> My takeaway was that, as nice as it is to get pretty good results from a 
> scripting language like LC, if I actually need scalable multiprocessing it's 
> better handled by teams/apps specializing in that.
> You may find some of Pierre's posts in that thread interesting.
> -- 
> Richard Gaskin
> Fourth World Systems
> Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
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