PLEASE, let us first have the basic enhanced object, probably "canvas".
This will need at least a full year (my estimate).
Then add other things (you can already now have via LC Script or via
JavaScript in a browser widget):

> David wrote:
> It is realy hard with any technology other than SVG / Canvas
> to attach events or hypertext links to a complex area of an image.

Not this hard in LiveCode Script, see for example
Works in LC 6/7/8/9 and you can use the core algorithm from there also
in LC Builder/ a widget -- I use it for the 'clickThrough' of certain
transparent parts of a widget).

> jbv wrote:
> Tools for animation of the svg graphics would be great too.
> SMIL is a good example, although it's not supported on every platform.

You could use just now JavaScript via a browser widget, see for example
'AutoDraw_SVGicon' and 'SVG-TextCrawler' (use "Sample Stacks" or ).

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