I wanted to find a LC implementation of markdown, so I could easily use markdown files on a website, and have them be converted to html for output. I really wanted it completely in LC, so I could just include it without worrying about installing, or checking for, any other languages, scripts, etc.

But I could find one, so I thought I might try implementing it myself.

Didn't take long to find a current version in Python (easier for me to convert than C or Perl :-) - but heavens there's a lot of code there !! And indeed when you read a description (try http://spec.commonmark.org/0.28/ for example) you can easily see why it's complicated to do  full implementation.

And, sadly, many of those complications could have been avoided, but weren't due to historical misfortune :-)     So I have done an ultra-light version  ....

Restrictions and limitations:

Links are only 'inline', not 'reference'.
  - the whole inline link must be on a single input line.
  - no autolink, HTML Tags or codespans to confuse them :-)
  - no checks on brackets within the link text - simple cases should just work, others won't

Images are inline only, not referenced.
 - whole image spec must be on a single input line
 - doesn't do anything to deal with links within image description
         (mostly because I couldn't figure out what this part of the spec was trying to allow :-)

NB - because images are done before links, it is possible to handle the common case where the inline image is withing the linktext - i.e. you can click on the image to go to the other URL, e.g.

   Here is a [picture ![some alt text](x.png) used within link](/images/bigx.png)

Only one style of header is handled - using multiple '#'s rather than pseudo-underline.

Emphasis, and everything else, isn't done - and may or may not be depending on whether I decide I car about it.


Additions and oddities :

1. If the last char in the URL is a '*' then it becomes a "new tab" link (i.e. TARGET='_blank').

2. I added special handling for facebook links - see the code

In case anyone else finds it useful, here's the code .... I'll figure out Github etc. and put it up there some day - but for now it's short enough I'm just going to include it here. It uses a couple of utility functions which are included.

-- Alex.

local sSubstitutions

function markdownToHTML pMD
   put empty into sSubstitutions
   repeat for each line L in pMD
      -- first extract any image specs
      put L into LL
      put 1 into N
      repeat forever
         if decompose2(LL, "![", "](", p1, p2, p3) then
            if decompose1(p3, ")", p3a, p4) then
               put "<img src='" & p3a & "' alt='" & p2 & "'>" into sSubstitutions[N]
               put p1 & numtochar(N) & p4 into LL
               add 1 to N
               next repeat
            end if
         end if
         exit repeat
      end repeat

      -- and then do any links
      repeat forever
         if decompose2(LL, "[", "](", p1, p2, p3) then
            if decompose1(p3, ")", p3a, p4) then
               if char -1 of p3a = "*" then
                  put "' TARGET='_blank" into char -1 of p3a
               end if
               if p2 = "fb" then
                  put p1 & "<a href='http://facebook.com/"; & p3a & "' class='icon fa-facebook' TARGET='_blank'><span class='label'>" & "</a>" & p4 into LL
                  put p1 & "<a href=" & quote & p3a & quote & ">" & p2 & "</a>" & p4 into LL
               end if

               next repeat
            end if
         end if
         exit repeat
      end repeat

      repeat with i = 1 to N
         replace numtochar(i) with sSubstitutions[i] in LL
      end repeat
      if LL is empty then put L into LL

      if LL is empty then
         put CR after tResult
         put word 1 of LL into W

         replace "#" with empty in W
         if W is empty then
            put the number of chars in word 1 of LL into N
            put "<H" & N & ">" & word 2 to -1 of LL & "</H" & N & ">" into LL
         end if

         put LL &CR after tResult
      end if
      --      if NOT (tResult ends with CR) then exit repeat
      --      delete char -1 of tResult
   end repeat
   replace (numtochar(13) & numtochar(10)) with CR in tResult
   replace (CR & CR &CR) with (CR & "<p><br><p>" & CR) in tResult
   replace (CR & CR) with (CR & "<p>") in tResult
   return tResult
end markdownToHTML

function decompose1 pIn, pSep1, @p1, @p2
   -- if the input string (pIn) contains the delimiter string (pSep1) then
   --    return TRUE and set the result variables to the parts 'before' and 'after' the delimiter
   -- else
   --    return FALSE, and leave p1, p2 unchanged
  put offset(pSep1, pIn) into t1
  if t1 > 0 then
    put char 1 to t1-1 of pIn into p1
    put char (t1+the number of chars in pSep1) to -1 of pIn into p2
    return TRUE
  end if
  return FALSE
end decompose1

function decompose2 pIn, pSep1, pSep2, @p1, @p2, @p3
   -- if the input string (pIn) contains the (non-overlapping) delimiter strings (pSep1, pSep2) then    --    return TRUE and set the result variables to the parts 'before', 'between' and 'after' the delimiters
   -- else
   --    return FALSE, and leave p1, p2, p3 unchanged
   put offset(pSep1, pIn) into t1
   if t1 > 0 then
      put char t1+the number of chars in pSep1 to -1 of pIn into tIn
      put offset(pSep2, tIn) into t2
      if t2 > 0 then
         put char 1 to t1-1 of pIn into p1
         put char 1 to t2-1 of tIn into p2
         put char t2+the number of chars in pSep2 to -1 of tIn into p3
         return TRUE
      end if
   end if
   return FALSE
end decompose2

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