On a Mac with LC 8.6.1 (Community)

Tabs coming from LiveCode are converted to spaces when pasted to a Google
spreadsheet, but are not converted when pasting from BBEdit.

I'm collecting data into a tab-delimited row (line) and putting it on the
Clipboard, then pasting the row into a Google spreadsheet. For example:

*put theData["Date"] &tab& theData["First name"] \*
*&tab& theData["Surname"] into theRow*

*set the ClipboardData["text"] to theRow*

When I go to a Google Spreadsheet, click in an empty cell and paste, the
tabs are ignored (converted to spaces) and the entire row gets pasted into
the single cell as space-delimited.

I have discovered a workaround. If I first paste from LiveCode to BBEdit
(the tabs are recognized) and then copy and paste from BBEdit to the
spreadsheet, the tabs are OK and the data populates into separate cells.

I've tried this with Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, so the problem isn't

I don't want to ask my end-user to paste into another application before
pasting into the spreadsheet.

Anyone know of a fix for this?

-- Paul


White Feather Software
Cell: 408-391-1480
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