Exactly. Make sure that your widget has some sort of way for them to close it 
eventually. If you have it steered through your own website (rather than direct 
link) then you could set up banners for display in a smaller browser window. It 
depends on what suits you or your clients the most. There is a considerable 
amount of chatter about the morality of the adverts (a great number of them are 
for fitness pills or scamware) but those seem to be the only ones who are 
advertising. It’s very rare for the likes of Disney, Chanel or other big brands 
to advertise on these platforms. 

I just found that InMobi are still making available their JavaScript tags so 
they are an alternative. Their disclaimer is that “even though it is possible 
to use InMobi JavaScript tags with mobile applications instead of mobile 
websites, results may vary and InMobi will not be able to provide support.”

Sean Cole
Pi Digital

> On 11 Sep 2017, at 18:51, Jose Enrique Montero via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> after I had the link, how I can use it in the stack?
> With a browser  widget ?
> Thanks again
> JE
> 2017-09-11 8:16 GMT-04:00 Sean Cole (Pi) via use-livecode <
> use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>:
>> I 'was' working on a widget that runs MobFox (which acts as an agent to all
>> of the other ad providers), but had to abandon it as MobFox suddenly with
>> no warning removed their Javascript and CURL access so now you can only use
>> iOS and Android native SDKs. That would require more than LC8 can deliver,
>> it needs the new Language tools in LC9.
>> I've now been looking at propellerads.com. They have a DirectLink feature
>> that works on all platforms using browser tech and your own personalized
>> URL (or set-of for multiple clients). This seems one of the best options at
>> the moment. Here's how:
>>   1. Register (Use the Get Started button on their page)
>>   2. After registration is authorised you'll be taken to your account page
>>   and asked to enter your website. Ignore this and use the Direct Link
>> button.
>>   3. In the first step for Direct Link there is only one option available
>>   at the moment, Native Direct Ads. Select it and go next.
>>   4. Give it a name and select next
>>   5. Use the https button to get a secure signed link. Copy/paste it
>>   somewhere safe like a constant var in your app.
>> It's not the best way but it is 'a' way to monetise for now. Until the
>> final release of LC9 with full Android and iOS native language integration.
>> All the best
>> Sean Cole
>> *Pi Digital Productions Ltd*
>> www.pidigital.co.uk
>> 'Don't try to think outside the box. Just remember the truth: There is no
>> box!'
>> 'For then you realise it is not the box you are trying to look outside of,
>> but it is yourself!'
>> eMail Ts & Cs <http://pidigital.co.uk/emailTCs.rtf>   Pi Digital
>> Productions Ltd is a UK registered limited company, no. 5255609
>> On 9 September 2017 at 22:06, Jose Enrique Montero via use-livecode <
>> use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>> Hi experts, do you know if LIVECODE solved some way to monetize the
>>> app, using ads?
>>> best regards
>>> JE.Montero
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