
i just noticed that my lc server installation on TIO is not working anymore :(

Tio is running LC Version 7.1  and that version always shows an empty $_post 
array when the posted data was formated with libUrlMultipartFormData
I asked support for a server wide upgrade to a version which is able to handle 
that kind of posted data, but w/o success.

So i installed LC DP6 on the 29th April, which is able to handle that kind of 
data,  and it worked w/o problems so far. I am not sure for how long it is not 
working anymore , but im pretty sure it worked at at least until last week.

I really do not know what´s the problem is now, but i am really  peeved. I have 
really no time and no desire to check every day if it is still working. 

I think i have to move that domain also to HostM. Better and quicker support. 
Normal support requests are answered and solved within a few hours. The longest 
time for a reply was about  4 hours, the shortest 30 minutes. Very good ticket 
system, so you can see all previous tickets in your customer account. And and 

Btw, if a customer can proof the purchase of a current commercial LC license 
they install  a version of choice of a commercial license  of LC server account 
wide. No need to install it for every domain / domain folder.


> Am 26.05.2017 um 20:12 schrieb Mike Bonner via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com <mailto:use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>>:
> Thank you!!
> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 11:39 AM, Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode <
> use-livecode@lists.runrev.com <mailto:use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>> wrote:
>> Mike,
>> i have successfully intalled LC 9 DP6 on Tio Server using the .htaccess
>> method.
>> This is the content of my .htaccess
>>        Directory index index.lc
>>        Options -Indexes
>>        Options ExecCGI
>>        AddHandler livecode-script .rev .lc9 .lc
>>        Action livecode-script /cgi-bin/livecode-server-9_0_0_dp_6
>> Please note that you need to add this to each .htaccess file for each
>> domain/domain folder.
>> So if you use public_html for your main domain, e.g. mike.on-rev.com 
>> <http://mike.on-rev.com/> <
>> http://mike.on-rev.com/ <http://mike.on-rev.com/>>,  and for an additional 
>> addon  domain, e.g.
>> mikebonner.com <http://mikebonner.com/> <http://mikebonner.com/ 
>> <http://mikebonner.com/>>, a separate folder, e.g.
>> /public_html/mikebonner
>> then you need to place the .htaccess file and the lcserver binaries into
>> public_html and also into the "2nd domain” folder /public_html/mikebonner.
>> So if you have 50 addon domains and each  in its own folder and you want
>> to use your own LC Server binaries for all 50 domains, then you have to
>> copy .htaccess and LC Server into
>> each of the 50 folders.
>> Please find a screenshot of the permssions i´ve set for each file here:
>> https://dl.webfactory.onl/permssions_lcserver.png 
>> <https://dl.webfactory.onl/permssions_lcserver.png> <
>> https://dl.webfactory.onl/permssions_lcserver.png 
>> <https://dl.webfactory.onl/permssions_lcserver.png>>
>> HTH,
>> Matthias
>> Matthias Rebbe
>> +49 5741 310000
>> ‌matthiasrebbe.eu <http://matthiasrebbe.eu/> <http://matthiasrebbe.eu/ 
>> <http://matthiasrebbe.eu/>>‌
>>> Am 26.05.2017 um 18:52 schrieb Mike Bonner via use-livecode <
>> use-livecode@lists.runrev.com <mailto:use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> 
>> <mailto:use-livecode@lists.runrev.com 
>> <mailto:use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>>>:
>>> Theres another issue with on-rev.  Even if you set the sessionSavePath,
>> it
>>> won't work due to the default version of LC on on-rev.  You need to
>>> override the version using an .htaccess file, but i've not managed to
>>> actually get that to work for me.  Looking for the link that tells you
>> how
>>> to do this. If you actually get it to work please let me know how!
>>> http://lessons.livecode.com/m/4070/l/41105-how-do-i-choose- 
>>> <http://lessons.livecode.com/m/4070/l/41105-how-do-i-choose->
>> which-livecode-server-engine-to-use-with-on-rev <
>> http://lessons.livecode.com/m/4070/l/41105-how-do-i- 
>> <http://lessons.livecode.com/m/4070/l/41105-how-do-i->
>> choose-which-livecode-server-engine-to-use-with-on-rev>
>>> Unless they've updated the default version for .lc files, you'll need to
>>> switch to a more recent version of the server to get sessions to work.
>>> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 10:15 AM, JOHN PATTEN via use-livecode <
>>> use-livecode@lists.runrev.com <mailto:use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>>
>> wrote:
>>>> I think I figured out the issue based on an old post by Sturgis…
>>>> Apparently you have to set the sessionSavePath before you call the
>> “start
>>>> session.”
>>>> set the sessionSavePath to the defaultfolder
>>>> Forum discussion here:
>>>> http://forums.livecode.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=10787&p= <
>> http://forums.livecode.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=10787&p=>
>>>> 50056&hilit=session#p50034 <http://forums.livecode.com/ <
>> http://forums.livecode.com/>
>>>> viewtopic.php?f=15&t=10787&p=50056&hilit=session#p50034>
>>>> Cheers!
>>>>> On May 26, 2017, at 8:39 AM, JOHN PATTEN via use-livecode <
>>>> use-livecode@lists.runrev.com <mailto:use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>>
>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> Thanks for those that answered about the problem I was having with FTP.
>>>> It was the URLEncode issue that was tripping me up.
>>>>> However, I’m changing gears as I hadn’t realized that I could not ftp
>>>> directly into a htmlpublic directory on On-Rev. Ultimately I am trying
>> to
>>>> just create a little iOS app that will allow me upload and image and
>> create
>>>> a simple html page to display the image.
>>>>> I have been using the LiveCode tutorial here: “How do I use LiveCode
>>>> graphics features server-side?” (http://lessons.livecode.com/ <
>> http://lessons.livecode.com/>
>>>> m/15262/l/156710-how-do-i-use-livecode-graphics-features-server-side <
>>>> http://lessons.livecode.com/m/15262/l/156710-how-do-i-use- <
>> http://lessons.livecode.com/m/15262/l/156710-how-do-i-use->
>>>> livecode-graphics-features-server-side>)
>>>>> I can’t get this to work the “start session” included in the script?
>>>>> The example starts:
>>>>> ---------------
>>>>> <?lc
>>>>> start session
>>>>> ## enter the image file into our $_SESSION if one's just been uploaded
>>>>> if $_FILES["imagefile"] is not empty then
>>>>>        put url("binfile:" & $_FILES["imagefile"]["filename"]) into
>>>> $_SESSION["imagedata"]
>>>>> end if
>>>>> if $_SESSION["imagedata"] is empty then
>>>>>        printForm ## no image has been uploaded so display the form to
>>>> upload one
>>>>> else
>>>>>        create image “myImage” …
>>>>> ————————
>>>>> If I take the “start session” out, the server script works, sort of…as
>> I
>>>> think it will upload the image, but because there is no session, you
>> can’t
>>>> manipulate the image.
>>>>> Has anybody got this example to work? I have tried moving the “start
>>>> session” around to different areas of the server script, but that does
>> not
>>>> seem to work either.
>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>> John Patten
>>>>> SUSD
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>> Matthias Rebbe
>> +49 5741 310000
>> ‌matthiasrebbe.eu <http://matthiasrebbe.eu/>‌
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Matthias Rebbe
+49 5741 310000
‌matthiasrebbe.eu <http://matthiasrebbe.eu/>‌
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