Sure, here it is.
I couldn't resist doing some simple benchmarks, just to verify my
intuition. Very glad I did.
OK - here's the theory :
we're using variations of binary search to find the lowest numbered
line that is visible, and then again to find the highest numbered line.
So at each stage we have an interval within which the right answer must
1. Simple binary search : the next guess is the middle of the current
This is simple, and very consistent for the number of guesses needed:
the worst case is almost identical to the average/typical.
For my test case (25000 lines of heavily styled text), we need approx 14
guesses for the first calculaiton, and 8 for the second.
2. Simple Newton-Raphson (linear interpolation).
This is usually better than simple binary, *if* there is a reasonable
correlation between the measurable values and the guessable values. In
this case there - the height of any chunk of lines is reasonably
correlated to the number of lines, though not exactly in all cases.
Usually this will take significantly fewer guesses (and in this case it
takes around 8 + 4 compared to the 14+8 above).
BUT - the worst case can be much, much worse :-( Imagine a field with
1000 lines - the first 500 are in 5-point text, and the other 500 are in
1000 point text, scrolled forward by 400 lines; this makes our guessing
VERY poor, and will take up to 200 or more guesses.
3. Use a mix of linear interpolation and binary search. I tried simply
alternating them - one calculated guess, then one 'average' guess, then
another calculated one, ....
This should significantly limit the worst case - but makes the average
somewhat worse.
4. Use linear interpolation - but disallow very small (or very large)
This again limits the worst case (not quite so well), and makes the
average only slightly worse.
I tried each of these strategies on a range of scroll positions in my
test case field. Results were
(1) Binary 6283
(2) N-R 3757
(3) N-R/binary 4200
(4) N-R limited 3782
So - the script below does (4) above - linear interpolation, with the
very small or very large percentage guesses disallowed. But, I've left
in the code (commented out) to also do alternating binary guesses, so it
can be easily used if your use case is very sensitive to extreme examples.
Note - this only uses the accurate height of a chunk function once it
has almost determined its answer - up until then, it only needs
approximate results to make the next guess, so no need for the extra
work of doing the pixel-accurate calculation.
function visibleTextLines pT
local vs, sw, m, t, b, L1, L2
local t1, t2, t3 -- timing
lock screen; lock messages
put the vscroll of fld pT into vs
put the scrollbarWidth of fld pT into sw
put the margins of fld pT into m
put (m,m,m,m) into m -- now we have always at least 4 items
-- value of pixel within the field where top line will be
put (item 2 of m) + vs into t
-- value of pixel within the field where bottom line will be
put - (item 4 of m) + vs + the effective height of fld pT into b
if the hscrollbar of fld pT then subtract sw from b
put the millisecs into t1 -- timing
put findTopLine(pT, t-5) into L1
put the millisecs into t2 -- timing
put findBottomLine(pT, b+5, L1) into L2
put the millisecs into t3 -- timing
-- put "times" && t2-t1 && t3-t2 &CR after fld "Flog" -- timing
return (L1,L2)
end visibleTextLines
function findTopLine pFName, pPixel
-- for fld 'pFName', find the lowest numbered line which will be at
or beyond pPixel
local tBelow, tAbove, tGuess, tTotal
local tTarget
put 1 into tBelow
put 0 into tHBelow
put the number of lines in fld pFName into tAbove
put the formattedheight of fld pFName into tHAbove
put pPixel into tTarget
-- we need to find the first line whose formattedheight is >= tTarget
local tD, tIteration
repeat with tIteration = 1 to 1000
if tAbove = tBelow+1 then exit repeat
-- if tIteration mod 2 = 0 then -- alternate between
lienar interpolation and simple binary halving
-- put 0.5 into tD
-- else
put (tTarget-tHBelow) / (tHAbove-tHBelow) into tD
-- end if
-- limit very small or large [percentages
if td < 0.05 then put 0.05 into tD
if td > 0.95 then put 0.95 into tD
put tBelow + trunc( (tAbove-tBelow) * tD) into tGuess
if tGuess = tBelow then add 1 to tGuess
-- put tGuess && tBelow && tAbove &CR after fld "Flog"
put the formattedheight of line 1 to tGuess of fld pFName into tt
-- NB may be inaccurate !!
if tt > tTarget then
put tGuess into tAbove
put tt into tHAbove
put tGuess into tBelow
put tt into tHBelow
end if
end repeat
-- now deal with the possible inaccuracy
repeat 2 times -- should be no more than 1 !?
if tBelow = 1 then exit repeat
if getaccurateheight(1, tBelow-1, pFName) >= tTarget then
-- put "NEEDED TO SUBTRACT" && tBelow & CR after fld
subtract 1 from tBelow
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return tBelow
end findTopLine
function findBottomLine pFName, pPixel, pBelow
-- for fld pFName, find highest numbered line before pPixel
-- pBelow is the known lower bound
local tBelow, tAbove, tGuess, tTotal
local tTarget
put pBelow-1 into tBelow
put the formattedheight of line 1 to tBelow of fld pFName into tHBelow
-- limit to what could possibly fit into the actual field (min text
size is 5)
put min(the number of lines in fld pFName, pBelow + the effective
height of fld pFName div 5) into tAbove
put the formattedheight of line 1 to tAbove of fld pFName into tHAbove
put pPixel into tTarget
-- we need to find the last line whose formattedheight is < tTarget
local tD, tIteration
repeat with tIteration = 1 to 1000
if tAbove = tBelow+1 then exit repeat
-- if tIteration mod 2 = 0 then -- alternate between
lienar interpolation and simple binary halving
-- put 0.5 into tD
-- else
put (tTarget-tHBelow) / (tHAbove-tHBelow) into tD
-- end if
if td < 0.1 then put 0.1 into tD
if td > 0.9 then put 0.9 into tD
put tBelow + trunc( (tAbove-tBelow) * tD) into tGuess
if tGuess = tBelow then add 1 to tGuess
put the formattedHeight of line 1 to tGuess of fld pFName into tt
if tt > tTarget then
put tGuess into tAbove
put tt into tHAbove
put tGuess into tBelow
put tt into tHBelow
end if
end repeat
return tBelow
end findBottomLine
function getAccurateHeight N, M, pFld
-- return the accurate height of the chunk from N .. M of field pFld
local t1, t2
put the millisecs into t1
put the formattedHeight of line N to M of fld pFld into h
-- put "acc" && N && M && the millisecs-t1 &CR after fld "Flog"
if line M of fld pFld is empty then
-- put "getaccurate" && the millisecs &CR after fld "Flog"
add the formattedheight of line M of fld pFLD to h
-- put the styledText of fld pFld into tA
-- put the vscroll of fld pFld into tempScroll
-- put tA[N+1] into tempA -- save a copy of the
following line, complete with styling
-- put tA[N] into tA[N+1]
-- set the styledText of fld pFld to tA
-- put the formattedHeight of line 1 to N of fld pFld into h
-- put tempA into tA[N+1]
-- set the styledText of fld pFld to tA
-- set the vscroll of fld pFld to tempScroll
end if
add the spacebelow of line M of fld pFld to h
put the millisecs into t2
-- put "accurate" && N && M && t2-t1 &CR after fld "Flog"
return h
end getAccurateHeight
-- Alex.
On 01/04/2017 17:42, hh via use-livecode wrote:
Alex T. wrote:
I set out to optimise the 'visibleLineNumber' function, and succeeded
in getting it down to approx 20% of the original version, by:
- reduce from 2 to 1 height calculations per iteration
- convert from recursive to iterative
- use Newton-Raphson style linear interpolation, with tweaks to avoid
the pathological end cases
- optimise the start values for finding the last visible line based on
the effective field height and min allowed text size
please think about posting this. It is certainly valuable for other use
(This post is NOT an April 1 - joke)
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