Hi all. 

I just tracked down a nasty gotcha (notice I didn't say 'bug') that can cause a 
crash to desktop when working with data grids. 

I have (for lack of a better term) a "searchbar" object with all the controls 
and scripts necessary for filtering a data grid. If you type text into the 
search field, it saves the dgData and the dgHilitedIndex in properties of the 
stack. It then sets the dgData of the datagrid to the filtered data, but DOES 
NOT set the dgHilitedIndex yet. The user does that, and when he does, that is 
when it gets interesting. 

In the selectionChanged handler of the datagrid I send a mouseUp to the Cancel 
button of the searchbar object which first resets the searchbar to an initial 
state, and then RESTORES THE SAVED DATA TO THE DATAGRID! This is where it 
crashes to desktop. A cookie to the first person who guesses why. 

No? Okay, so the datagrid selectionChanged handler calls a script in another 
control which then changes the contents of the data grid... WHICH CHANGES THE 
SELECTION, which of course then triggers selectionChanged... AGAIN. Endless 

The fix for this was simple. Lock messages before I restore the contents of the 
datagrid. It might be nice however, if there was some kind of message or maybe 
a crash log that indicated that an endless loop was generated, instead of just 
crashing to desktop. Just a thot. Thinking about it, this may be the bulk of 
CTD complaints when using data grids. 

Bob S
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