On 1/8/17 12:12 PM, Stephen Barncard via use-livecode wrote:
stacks are great with LC server. For instance, one can use custom
properties and libraries just by 'start using' that stack.
I'm not sure about fields but I think they are accessible too.
And one can test and edit everything 'on the ground' first.
This is my preferred method by far, at least for what I do. My
"index.lc" landing page looks like this:
-- respond to pingdom.com bot without launching system -- PD 20161102
if "pingdom.com" is in $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] then
put "<html><body>Hi Pingdom!</body></html>"
exit to top
end if
set the errormode to "inline"
-- use lib folder as the default folder
put url ("file:/home/myaccount/myproject/config/libfolder") into tLibFolder
set the defaultFolder to tLibFolder
try -- let the stack script respond to the request
start using stack "projectname.livecode"
catch tErr -- error messages from 'throw' commands
put "ERROR:" & CR before tErr
replace CR with "<br>" in tErr
put tErr
end try
Then the "projectname.livecode" library stack put other stacks into use
depending on the nature of the request, and together they do absolutely
everything. (They merge data into pre-made HTML pages and serve them,
but also keep track of training accounts, titles, licensing, training
sessions, you name it.)
Names have been changed to protect the innocent. ("Dragnet" music plays
in background)
Phil Davis
On Sun, Jan 8, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Rick Harrison via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
I’m trying to find out if anyone has ever
gotten a LC server to successfully interact
with a LC Stack running on the same server
such that one can read and write information
to fields on such a stack.
Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA -
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Phil Davis
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