It's easy to dynamically create and set the values of variables, using the "do" command, e.g.:

        do format("put tValue into %s", tVarName)

I do lots of work with TSV files, which have a first row of field names, and for years have used a function like this to create local variables, named for each column, with the index to that column as their value

        do makeAccessVars("vi", line 1 of tTSVdata)

where the function creates a script doing essentially the above for all the field names, with a prefix (and taking care of spaces etc), which I then "do" in the individual procedure so that the variables are declared local to the procedure.

(Re Mike and Mark's comments, if it's a small thing I'll use an array; but for large quantities of data - I'm often dealing with very large files, and after calling this function will loop over tens or hundreds of thousands of rows using the variables - I feel the need for speed outweighs the simplicity.)

A minor isse with this is that it doesn't play nice with explicitVars: in order to nicely compile a script that invokes this function and then goes on to, for example,

        repeat for each line tRec in tTSVdata
                doSomething item viUserID of tRec, item viUserName of tRec

I have to have declared viUserID, and viUserName in the handler.



On 06/11/2016 15:50, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
Given this scenario:

We fetch a preference array from some json on disk
We want to insert the key-values into separate discrete local vars in the stack 

function getUserPreferences

# the following function fetches an object in a JSON file:

put getPref ("preferences/modules/color-meditation") into aColorMedPrefs

# aColorMedPrefs now appears in variable watcher with keys
# aColorMedPrefs["BreathCount"] # value = 5
# aColorMedPrefs["BreathPace,"] # value = 1
# aColorMedPrefs["Cycles "] # value = 2
# aColorMedPrefs["AudioOn"] # value = "true"

# we want to pass each to a discrete local:
# sBreathCount,sBreathPace,sCycles,sAudioOn

         repeat for each key x in aColorMedPrefs
put "s" & x into tNextPref
put aColorMedPrefs[x] into tNextPref
put tNextPref & comma after tSettings
end repeat

return tSettings

# result:  "5,1,2,true"  i.e. the values

# But what we really want to do was insert those values in the local vars on 
each iteration.

  return (sBreathCount,sBreathPace,sCycles,sAudioOn) # would also return
"5,1,2,true"    # but we get ",,," i.e now values.
end getUserPreferences
i.e. how do we dynamically create/name/instantiate variables & set their values 
from values in a loop?

it begs for some syntax like

create var ("s" & x); put x into the last var


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