Richmond wrote:
> Oddly enough, on Xubuntu 16.04 64-bit 8.1 is ahead of the curve in
> this respect as populated the recent menu as soon as I started it up.
Same here under Ubuntu 14.04.
> Mind you; no documentation . . . Still.
But not for lack of trying.
There are 74 comments in this bug report, with Panos, Peter, and Mark
Waddingham taking time away from supported platforms to try to pin down
this anomaly on your Xubuntu install, yet thus far it seems they've had
difficulty reproducing it:
Please rest assured that we've all read every reference to this bug
report each time you've posted it.
Maybe we can try a different tack:
I've been exploring the dictionary data in
As Mark Weider noted the other day, the IDE includes an API for
obtaining the raw data for those entries.
And Jacque, myself, and others rather prefer a different layout for the
So why don't we make one?
We could use an LC stack as the viewer. The field object is pretty nice,
well suited for nicely-formatted HtmlText.
I appreciate where they're going with the embedded-browser version, esp.
since relying on it for the Dictionary means they've had to ensure the
Browser Widget is generally robust on all platforms (your Xubuntu
install notwithstanding), and at some point I'll be using that object on
Linux so it's nice to see the attention it's been getting.
But for the Dictionary specifically, even though I have no technical
problem preventing me from using the Dictionary I shared Jacque's
preference for a different design (for me the biggest feature is among
the smallest to implement: I really like having the search field
pre-selected when I open the window so I can start typing immediately
when it opens).
So why not all of us have exactly what we want? Let a thousand flowers
bloom and all that. We could take the last Dictionary plugin Jacque and
I made and revamp it for use in LC 8. It may be that only three of us
use it, but if seems a better use of time than re-posting the same bug
report number over and over, and certainly more fun.
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
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